Conceive A Girl - Best Secrets To Make a Girl Naturally

You could conceive a girl if you avoid orgasms

You could find different methods to get pregnant with a girl, many of them make very little sense. One of the techniques that is also used quite often to get pregnant with a baby girl, is not to have an orgasm. If you have to avoid orgasms, then it takes a lot of effort, but if helps you, then it is worth it. The alkaline content of the womb goes up, if a woman has had an orgasm.  And high alkaline levels, according to some studies and reports, favour boy sperm. The acidic levels will stay constantly high, if you stop yourself from having orgasms (diet to make a baby girl). How much or if at all, this technique increases the probability, is hard to say. It is hard to find concrete evidence to prove this fact and you might want to neglect this. If you combine this method with some other techniques, then it will increase your chances.

Consume cranberry supplements to give birth to a female child naturally

There a some supplements that do help a woman increase the likelihood of getting a female. Through research, many women think that decreasing the pH content is all-important. The lower the pH level is, the harder it is for the Y chromosomes to survive. When pH is not high, the Y chromosome containing sperm flourish and that is not needed. Obviously it is vital to start taking cranberries a week or two before conception. So yet again the timing is crucial and so you must pay attention to that.  There is nothing special about cranberries and other supplements could work just as well. Some women like to take natural cranberries, while others opt for supplements.

Having intercourse in certain positions is suppose to make a difference and help conceive a female child. That is at least according do some research and according to the stories of various mothers. And again you should keep in mind that boy and baby girl producing spermatozoa are different.  Sperm that produces baby girls, are tougher and larger, although a bit slower than boy sperm. If a woman want to conceive a girl baby, the she must make sure the X sperm beats Y sperm. Women can do that, by using shallow sexual positions.  When there is shallow penetration, then the boy sperm have to swim longer to reach the egg. Y chromosome spermatozoa are more likely to die, because they could not survive that long (how to make a baby girl). Sitting or lying down will help to create the essential shallow position.  Basically the positions needs to be shallow and is believed to  conceive a baby girl.

If you want to conceive a female child, you must eat certain fruits and green vegetables. All kinds of fruits that are high in Vitamin C could increase the chances of making a girl. Some really tasty and foods full of vitamin C, like strawberries and grapes are very useful. These fruits increase the acidic levels in the womb, which is all-important.  The higher the acidic level in the womb, the higher the chances are of giving birth to a girl. And of course Vitamin C rich fruits increase your immune system, which is crucial as well. And vegetables such as lettuce, spinach and broccoli also provide additional protection. Being healthy is important and if a woman is healthy then several diseases could be avoided (conceive a girl). So for getting pregnant with a female child it is crucial to taken vitamin C and for general health too.