How To Conceive A Girl - Best Ways For Conceiving a Female Child

To get pregnant with a girl naturally consume cranberry supplements

Taking certain supplementations has helped countless women to give birth to a girl baby. For example, cranberries and cranberry supplements lower the pH levels in the body.  When the pH level is very low, it makes the conditions in the womb very difficult. It is vital to start taking cranberry supplements the week before ovulation.  Surprisingly cranberry supplements are being used to bring up the pH level (best positions to conceive a girl). If you leave this too late, then the benefit you get from this, will be much lower. You could experiment with other supplements, but cranberries seem to work the best. Some prefer to take cranberry supplements, while others prefer natural cranberries.

It could be that  the most popular technique to conceive a female child is the Shettles Method. As you may know, there is a difference between male producing sperm and female spermatozoa. The X-chromosome spermatozoa is the one that produces female childs and Y-chromosome boys. If a woman want to get pregnant with a daughter, the X spermatozoa must reach the egg before Y sperm. According to Shettles it is crucial to take a break from sex 3 days before ovulation (click here to get the facts on how to conceive a girl). Although the Y spermatozoa is faster, it is also weaker and therefore it is likely going die.  So the baby girl producing spermatozoas are the only ones left to fertilize the  ovum of the woman. This method is popular and something that has worked for several women.  If this technique helps you give birth to a health daughter, then it will be worth it for sure.

Many couples these days, want to decide the gender of their baby and that is normal. Unfortunately there is no effective, simple and cheap technique that always works. One of the techniques that is suppose to have a positive effect, is the biorhythm method. Many scientists believe that biorhythms of the body are playing an essential role. This means at specific times a woman might have a better chance to conceive a daughter. If you know how these biorhythms occur, you could conceive a baby during the right time. Your age is taken as a reference in this technique and the best time is them calculated. Women are especially aware of the various biorhythms that control and affect their bodies. Some say this technique has worked for them and can help a woman conceive a girl baby.

Staying away from intercourse can supposedly conceive a daughter

It is impossible to tell what technique is the most effective and what method never works. And the opinions differ - some prefer certain methods, while others something else. It is crucial, according to some people, that no sperm reaches the vagina after conception. At least that is what some people believe, although it could be hard to refrain from sex. It is said that newer spermatozoa contains a lot more of the Y chromosome spermatozoa.  So therefore it is best to refrain from intercourse for a while to avoid that (how to conceive a girl). This technique is not very popular, but one never knows how effective it really is.  Since nobody has yet done any clinical studies on this, there will always be disagreements. But it is certain that sex and sperm changes the balance of chemicals in the body. How this actually affects the conception process is hard to say, but this theory might be true.